We clinicians provide a variety of counseling services, including individual services (for adults, teens, and children), groups, couples and family counseling. We help people work through different issues such as: life transitions, grief, trauma/abuse, infidelity, depression, anxiety, conflict, ADHD, women’s/ men’s issues, co-dependency/ recovery issues, behavioral problems, spiritual issues, addiction/ compulsivity struggles, parenting, blending family, and family of origin issues, in the process of healing and returning to better emotional or mental health.
Adult therapy:
We are very concerned about the growing number of people who are faced with finding ways to deal with trauma, abuse, addictions, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, etc., whether within themselves or with others they must live and communicate with. We will support your efforts as you work on what may be troubling you. We especially don`t want you to feel as if you`re alone as you learn new tactics to cope with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. We will be at hand with support and guidance as your self-confidence is restored, and as you work to find resolve in your situation. We are able to integrate a person’s spiritual resources to the degree that a person wishes to include, or not include, in their efforts to become more emotionally, relationally, and mentally healthy.
Couples therapy:
We will help you and your partner become emotionally more connected and increase your ability to communicate effectively. Together we will work on processing the troubles in your relationship so that you both may feel more grounded and connected with each other.
Group therapy:
You will discover that group is unique in both skills and attitude, and is poised to welcome you and provide you with all the help necessary to redefine your life. We offer different groups with unique focuses, such as men’s behavioral addictions group, women’s abandonment group, a connection/ process group, and others. Please check with us as our groups may have changed.
Children and Family therapy:
We know that you would not entrust your child to the care of just anyone. Nor would we. Our provision for children is well-covered by caring, qualified clinicians who specialize in children’s issues.
We are a unique combination of talents!
If your circumstances cannot be changed and are of no danger to you, we will teach you ways you can cope so their impact is minimized in your daily life. If your life or your health is in danger, we can advise you accordingly to take the necessary steps to correct your situation.
If you have an emergency, please call 911 or the 24 hour Crisis Line at 1(800)576-7764.